June Update

Hello! Thank you for checking in on us! If it seems like you haven’t heard from us for awhile…its cause we are busy working! I’m so glad for the warmer weather as it lifts my spirits and encourages me so much! Traveling and just everyday life seems a ton easier since the cold is gone. We’ve had several meetings and we’re so thankful to be able to attend “brick and mortar” church again. Thank God for the internet, but there is nothing like corporate worship to strengthen my heart! Pure joy!

As our travels are increasing, we are spending less time with our home church. We want our Ridgeview family to know that our hearts and prayers are always with you! Your encouragement and support are life-giving and truly a treasure to our family. Honestly, ALL of our ministry partners are priceless treasures!!

The Ridgeview women’s ministry has been especially helpful to me in these last several weeks as I’ve been able to follow along with a Bible study they are sharing to combat anxiety. Maybe you have always struggled with anxiety or perhaps it’s just showed it’s ugly self in the last few months with current events. Either way, many of us battle the different effects and the “what ifs” in our lives. I encourage you, grab a friend, and talk about it. Or message me and I’d be happy to pray for you.

We have a couple projects that we are working on. You will hear more about that in the days ahead. Sadly, we are still not traveling overseas at this point and we have not chosen a date for our next trip to Southeast Asia. But again, “Thank God,” for the internet. We’ve been able to stay in communication with leaders and the college students connected with our Homes of Hope. We recently enjoyed a wonderful time of talking with home leaders who are learning English because of a college student who was able to translate for us. Bam attended high school in a place she could learn English well and now when she is free from college classes she returns to help in one of the Homes! It is such a relief and joy to know that all of our 800+ children and leaders are safe and healthy. Some of our students will begin their school year next week, and others will go back in August. Please help us pray for their continued strength and safety from sickness.

We are still actively doing Zoom meetings for those not yet comfortable with getting together in person. For those who are ready, we are sharing all we can about the rescue work God has us involved in. Compassionate Hope is an incredible ministry with many unique features that help you feel connected to those you support. One of the most obvious and yet easily overlooked advantages is that you have the opportunity to personally know someone who has seen and touched these precious, rescued souls. Since Daniel and I have both traveled to the homes, and we’ve spent time with many of the children, we can share honestly about what we’ve seen and heard. Friends, we have seen the darkness and heartbreak. But we have also seen the power of love and God’s redemption! And that is why we keep trusting and serving with our whole hearts.

So the thing I want you to know and remember, dear friend, is this…

God sees, hears, and responds to the cries of these precious children. God works through HIS people. We are working to do our part. We invite you to join us to do your part. What can you do? I would love to hear your thoughts! Message me and let’s talk….

For those who may not realize this, we are depending on donations to make our work possible. Every dollar counts and enables us to pay our bills and travel expenses. Please consider joining our team of supporters. You may donate online by clicking here:

Prayers Heard and Answered

What do you do when you find out a little girl in Thailand is praying for helpers to come and help Papa Al of Compassionate Hope Foundation? You lean in a little closer to hear how God is going to answer her prayers.

At least that’s what I did…since the only reason I was sitting in Al Henson’s office that day was because my husband was compelled to come and ask how we could help. Coincidence? You can decide for yourself, but we knew God was doing something special. So, I leaned in to listen closely and…

I heard the whisper of my long-ago prayers…summed up in one word.

Please stay with me while two seemingly separate stories unfold the reality of one story. One story. One word. One amazing God.

Over twenty years ago I began learning about a group of people on the other side of the world that experienced horrific abuse simply because they became Christ-followers. Deeply concerned and armed with a map we turned our little kitchen into a prayer room for these persecuted Believers.

We truly believed that God allowed us to know their plight because He wanted us to help.

We had limited financial resources available and a growing family of our own. A teenager and toddlers in the same house! Weeks, months, and even years passed with pitiful little funds to donate and our prayers were becoming weaker. How could we know we were making a difference? Not one clue.

The passing of time left our walls with little fingerprints that no longer washed off. It was time to paint and freshen things up. No indication that our prayers had made a difference. I am sad to say that I folded my map, took down the pictures, and filed it all away in a lonely, defeated place. I didn’t even realize the disappointment that wrapped that part of my heart until I heard the word…


You see, Cream is my all-time favorite word, and Cream is also the name of the little Thai girl asking God to send helpers to Papa Al. How does a young child on the other side of the world end up with the name of MY favorite word? My husband asked her biological mother about it one afternoon when they met in Thailand. Her reply was a shrug and these simple words through a translator, “I just liked it.”

How did Cream end up on my list of favorite words over twenty years ago? It came through a game I played with my kids. Nothing special. I still shrug these baffling words, “I just liked it.”

I would love to personally share with you this story and many others! Contact us to schedule a time to hear more about how God is moving to answer the prayers of this little girl.

You can help us make a huge impact in Southeast Asia!